Sunday, February 22, 2015

Scavenger Hunt

1.  What is the name of the oldest health care provider in Central Falls?
The oldest health care provider in Central Falls is Notre Dame Ambulatory Center which is now an extension of Memorial Hospital which is located in Pawtucket, RI.  Notre Dame Ambulatory Center is located on 1000 Broad St, Central Falls RI.
The Post Office

2.  What is the name of the oldest nonprofit organization serving the Latino community in the city?

The oldest non-profit organization in Central Falls is "Progreso Latino."  They help Latinos in the community to be able to attain education, housing as well as immigration services and lots of other useful things.

7.  Do local residents generally have Internet in their homes?

Higginson Ave Complex (aka snow piles everywhere)
I believe that a lot of local residents do have internet, I know my younger cousin who goes to Veterans Elementary School receives reduced-price internet services.  Which I think is amazing because now even low income families can afford to have internet.

8. Is there a post office in the town?
Yes, there is and it is located on Dexter St.

10. Is there a movie theater in town?

Not anymore but when I was very young I remember driving by this movie theater.  It has been bought out and is now being used as a church.

12.  Are there public parks?

What used to be a Movie Theater kinda still looks like one :)
Yes, there are a couple of public parks in Central Falls.  There is:
Higginson Park Complex
Jenks Park
Macomber Stadium
High St Ball field
Coutu Memorial Park
Crossman Street Playground
Sacred Heart Ave Playground
Illinois Street Playground
Garfield St Playground
Lewis & Hunt Park
Pierce Park
River Island Park.
Woo! that was a mouth-full I never realized we had so many parks.

15.  Find one monument or Statue.  What is the history associated with it?

The Coutu Memorial Park is a memorial park which was interesting to me because it is so recent.  It is located on the corner of Hunt St & Lewis St.  It was built as a reminder and memorial for Chief Robert A. Coutu and Chief René R. Coutu.  It was built due to their great work and contributions to the City of Central Falls and to the Fire Department.  

24.  There are three professional baseball players from Central Falls.  Name them.

Cogswell Tower in Jenks Park
Charley Bassett played from 1884-1892
Jim Siwy played from 1982 - 1984
Max Surkont played from played 1949-1957

26.  Becoming wealthy during the Gold Rush of 1849, she remembered her hometown and donated $50,000 to build the most recognizable feature in the city.  Everyone knows who she is and can see her donation, time after time.

Caroline Cogwell donated $50,000 to build Cogswell Tower which is located in Jenk's Park and is thought as Central Falls signature landmark.  

28.  She was a champion of the underdog and with the help of her husband helped slaves escaping to Canada.  Later she worked for the rights of women.

Elizabeth B. Chase helped to move slaves into Canada through Central Falls which used to be considered Valley Falls.  

Phillips, Arthur Sherman. The Phillips History of Fall River. Fall River, MA: Dover, 1944. Print.

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